Northwest Cherries Crop Estimation

This website is designed for Northwest Sweet Cherry Crop Estimation participants. Each spring, fieldmen and staff can use this tool to submit estimates on behalf of their warehouse, and receive information relevant to the coming growing season.

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Program Objectives

Estimate Size collaboratively predict the total volume of both Dark Sweet and Rainier cherry crop production.

Estimate Timing project early, middle, and late district production by aggregating data from each unique warehouse.

Estimate Quality estimate the proportion of the total crop that will be shipped fresh, as well as the predominant sizes of cherries to expect.

Confidentiality maintain the privacy of proprietary warehouse information. Only blind data provided by each participant is compiled to generate predictions.

Since 1997, the Northwest Cherry estimation program has grown with the industry. If you are a shipper of sweet cherries in the Pacific Northwest and not involved in the estimation program, your involvement could help improve the estimation. Contact the Fruit Commission if you are interested in joining the program.